Click above to change weight, slant and/or Opentype feature globally. Local changes can also be made to framed blurbs of text below. If your browser doesn’t appear to use all available Opentype features, try Firefox.

This is “Fira Sans” with some special characters: ÄÖŐÓäöőóẞßstctshll $12,345,678.90€ 3/4 5/6 1/2 345/543 3a 5o

Language-specific variants for Azeri, Tatar and Turkish: İı, fi, ffi; Catalan: L·L l·l; Moldovan and Romanian: ŞşŢţ; and Polish: ĆćŃńÓ󌜏ź´.

Apparent bug: characters modified for Polish can’t be turned into small caps.
Hungarian is now supported, with acutes and double acutes at the same angle (but only when using Opentype-compatible software.)
Első év, Fővárosi híd, Új út, Őrmező, Clárk Ádám tér.
Kerning for t,, t; seems very tight; tighter than for comparable pairs
e, e;
l, l;
t, t;
ţ, ţ;
ț, ț;

fi fl

ff ffi ffj ffl fft fi fj fl ft
Stofftuch, aber Stoffflicken

a á à â ä ā ǎ ă ą ą

g ǵ ğ ǧ

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8