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Solved bugs …

c2sc failed to affect uppercase letters already modified by locl, but only for some languages.
А Б В Г Д Ѓ Ђ Е Ж З Ѕ И Й Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ќ Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш Щ Ю Я — fixed in 5/7 release
no problem with L·L
no problem with ŞŢ
no problem with IJ IX ÍJ IJ (precomposed)
Issue: Hungarian-adapted diacritics enabled by ss13 didn’t match well between upper and lower case.
Árpád tér. Étterem. Őrmező. Űrállomás. Árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép. ÁáÉéÍíÓóŐőÚúŰűÖöÜü
This sample uses combining diacritics. It should identical to the sample above.
Árpád tér. Étterem. Őrmező. Űrállomás. Árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép. ÁáÉéÍíÓóŐőÚúŰűÖöÜü
Proposal (A): Use lower-case diacritics over upper-case letters. This would look boldly striking, but create vertical overhang. However, this may not pose a problem, considering that stylistic sets are only supported by professional software and are always off by default. (This sample attempts to fake the desited look by adding combining diacritics to Cyrillic base letters А/а, Е/е, І and О/о. Note that Ú/ú, Ű/ú and í cannot be thus faked, since no matching Cyrillic letters exist.
А́rpа́d tе́r, Е́tterem, О̋rmezо̋. А́а́Е́е́І́.О́о́О̋о̋………..ÖöÜü
Proposal (B): Use smaller upper-case diacritics over lower-case letters. (No problems with fonts metrics.)
c2sc failed to affect uppercase letters already modified by locl, but only for some languages.
IJ IX ÍJ IJ (precomposed)
IJ and ij can now be created with »dlig« plus »nl«.
Í‌J → ÍJ
í‌j → íj
I‌J → IJ
i‌j → ij
With »ss02«, ß and a (incl. all derived letters with diacritics) had the wrong Unicase and SC glyphs.
oáàâāäąạảo maßvolle Mäßigung
Most ſ-ligatures only worked when »calt« was disabled.
ſb ſh ſi ſj ſk ſl ſſb ſſh ſſi ſſj ſſk ſſl Th Ŧh Ťh Ţh Țh TT
ꜩ can now be created with »hlig« in regular and italic fonts, but is appropriately suppressed in Unicase and SC fonts.
tz ← Opentype substitution
ꜩ ← cf. hardcoded legacy Unicode ligature
»lnum« and »tnum« now can be combined to achieve tabular lining numbers.
All number sets now have optional “dotted zeroes.”
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Dotted zeroes were too short in Infant and SC fonts.
Dotted zeroes were missing in Upright with »tnum« and »onum+tnum«.
Currency signs were too short in Regular Italic with »tnum« (but not »lnum+tnum«, although both settings should probably behave the same), Upright with »lnum« and in Infant Italic.
The dotted zero’s dot was too low in Infant Italic with »onum«.
The dotted zero’s dot was too low with »onum+tnum« in both Infant Regular and Infant Italic.
Currency signs were too short in all fonts when »tnum« on and »lunm« off — and in Infant without any Opentype features.
Capital letters modified by »calt« could not be changed with »smcp«.
Diacritics of the small-caps version of ǜ were too skinny in regular, medium and demi-bold weights, both with and without »ss02«.
»ss03« was not applied to italic ḡ.
g ğ ĝ ģ ġ  gg
Applying »ss02+ss04« to ä, ö and ü yielded inconsist results in Regular and Infant.
ä ö ü
Unlike Л and Ф, л and ф were modified by »smcp(bg)«, but not »ss10+smcp«.
In both Regular and Infant, »ss02« failed to affect á already modified by »locl(hu)«
aáä „almák”
»ss03« failed to affect á already modified by »locl(hu)«
aáä „almák”
»ss05« failed to affect small-caps á and é already modified by »locl(hu)«
aáeé „édes almák”
»ss07« failed to affect á already modified by »locl(hu)«
aáä „almák”
fa ffa ffta fta ta
fá ffá fftá ftá tá
In Upright, »ss07« failed to affect á already modified by »locl(hu)«
aáä „almák”
fa ffa ffta fta ta
fá ffá fftá ftá tá
Italic double dagger looked strange.
Cormorant was missing several space characters.
u+200a hair space
u+2009 thin space
u+202f narrow no-breakspace
u+2006 six-per-em space
u+2008 punctuation space
u+205f medium mathematical space
 u+00a0 no-break space
u+0020 “normal” space
u+2005 four-per-em space
u+2004 three-per-em space
u+2007 figure space
u+2002 en space
u+2003 em space
The new e.ss02 did not appear in Garamond.
e a
»cv0x« only modifed isolated Q.
The same cv0x table modified different characters in different fonts. E.g., »cv03« modified f in (non-italic) Regular, Infant and Garamond, but Q in italic styles (and Upright.)
f ſ Q
Quark Queen

Sensible workaround provided …

»cv01« can now force »short-head« f, e.g., in situations where perhaps appears a little too cramped.
fühlen fällen föhnig finanziell fehlen fà fè fì fò fù fâ fǎ fű fő fã fõ fā fē fō
For comparison: f forced to f.short via letter-by-letter »aalt«, which can be awkward to implement in some contexts.
fühlen fällen föhnig finanziell fehlen fà fè fì fò fù fâ fǎ fű fő fã fõ fā fē fō

Considered unnecessary …

There are auto-ligatures for Th and TT, but only without diacritics.
Th Ŧh Ťh Ţh Țh TT

Considered intentional …

Only some diacritical variants of A are modified by »ss01«.
An individual user requested fu ligatures, but the font author fears readability might not be optimnal. Therefore, those ligatures must be enabled explicitly using »dlig«.
ffu ffū fu fū

The previously available set of small caps-sized, old-style, tabular numerals was removed from all fonts

In Unicase and SC with »onum+tnum«, currency signs were too tall and the dotted zero’s dot is off-centered.
Should the the small caps-adjusted numerals that are available in SC with »onum+tnum« also be available in Regular with »onum+tnum+smcp«?

Also see open questions/possible bugs and our general Cormorant test page. You can download the latest Cormorant development snapshot from GitHub.